Love Clean Streets

16th of June, 2022

Report highway faults to Lancashire County Council on the go.

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Lancashire Choir of the Year Competition

6th of June, 2022

The Lancashire Choir of the Year competition has just been launched and is open to community choirs across Lancashire. The idea of the competition is to celebrate choirs from across Lancashire. The choirs could be faith choirs, workplace choirs, f...

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Have your say on Housing and Development in the Ribble Valley.

30th of May, 2022

Consultation with Ribble Valley Council runs until 7 July 2022.

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Jubilee Celebrations

19th of May, 2022

Please note that anyone wishing to hold a street party over the Platinum Jubilee Bank Holiday must apply to RVBC before Monday 23 May. Check out:

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Good Day Calls from Age UK Lancashire

18th of May, 2022

A regular call providing reassurance, security and support to you and your loved ones.

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