Barrow Parish Council owns and maintains Barrow Playing Field.
The playing field was established in 1980 for use by older children and adults, and access is via the entrances on Hey Road and Washbrook Close. The playing field contains a football pitch with goalposts, fitness equipment, a table tennis table, several items of play equipment and picnic benches.
In 2013, the parish council received a donation from Rowland Homes to improve and maintain the facilities on the playing field. These funds enabled us to purchase and install several new items of play equipment, fencing and seating. We are continuing to improve the facilities and work to repair the goalposts and football pitch will follow shortly.

In recent years, the parish council has received some assistance from local businesses to look after the playing field. McDonald’s has kindly donated a litter bin and their staff along with staff at KFC regularly empty it as well as pick up rubbish. Also, members of staff from the Co-Operative Store have spent some time clearing brambles and overgrown vegetation from the boundary. If any residents or local businesses would like to offer assistance in the future, then please get in touch.
From 1st October 2018, dogs are not permitted on Barrow Playing Field, in line with Public Space Protection Orders implemented by Ribble Valley Borough Council. The ban is monitored by both RVBC and the parish council and enforcement action may be taken.
There is a substantial amount of evidence regarding the dangers to public health caused by dog fouling and the safety of those using the playing field is our main priority. We understand that the ban may cause upset for some dog owners, but we firmly believe that the playing field is now a cleaner and safer environment for everyone to enjoy.